Thursday, January 8, 2009

Dirty 30...

So I'm officially 30 and lovin' life. I spent my birthday laying on a chaise lounge on South Beach next to one of my closest friends, coated in SPF 30 , and soaking up the sun. (Unlike in my 20's, I'm now concerned with things like sun damage and fine lines). After visually scanning the beach for hot men, we got to talking about the past, and all of the changes that have taken place in our lives over the years. And because the moment seemed appropriate - I suggested that we create a gratitude list, so that when we returned to the icy NY cold and starting slipping into a depression, we'd have something to bring us right back to that very moment of sheer bliss.

So here goes the first gratitude list of 2009 (but certainly not the last):
1. The opportunity to live my days free from war, disease, hunger and oppression.
2. The deep sense of peace and freedom that yoga has given me.
3. My recovery,and the wisdom that's come with it.
4. My beautiful family.
5. The opportunity to teach yoga to others every day.
6. My crazy quirky friends who live very close to my heart.
7. The courage to walk away when the expiration date is up.
8. Bananas, and other delightful Christmas presents.
9. The Nuva Ring.
10. Barack Obama.

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